WatchGuard Firebox M400 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite
2017-07-24 10:02:51
型号 : WatchGuard Firebox M400 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite
品牌 : WatchGuard


8 Gbps 防火墙吞吐量, 4.4 Gbps VPN吞吐量, 1.4 Gbps UTM吞吐量吞吐量; 6 Gb 以太网接口,2 1Gb SFP接口(可选) 1 串口, 2 USB; 100 BOVPN隧道, 150 移动 VPN吞吐量 IPSec, 150 SSL; 3,800,000最大并发连接。


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